
Showing posts from November, 2017

Benefits of Obtaining Dermatologist Email List from DataCaptive

Medical specialists who are trained in treating & curing all ailments of the skin, nails and mucous membranes and hair are called dermatologists. Around the world, more than 3000 skin diseases are identified that require the consultation of dermatologists. These include acne, skin cancer, warts, nail and fungal infection, psoriasis, cold sores, eczema to name a few.  Dermatologists are also involved in the process of beautification or enhancing the appearance of an individual such as the removal of acne and scars, wrinkles and age spots etc. They treat their patients through excisions, biopsies, cryotherapy to name a few. Several segmented specializations in dermatology include immunodermatology, pediatric dermatology, Mohs surgery, cosmetic dermatology, teledermatology etc. Now, these Dermatologists are excellent prospects for marketers who represent organizations in the service of supplying medical equipment & devices. But how direct contact can be made with

Benefits of Obtaining Critical Care Medicine Specialists Email List from DataCaptive

Medical professionals who are specially trained to be proficient in the comprehensive clinical management of critically ill patients are known as Critical Care Medicine Specialists. They are popularly known as “intensivists”.  They usually lead a team of caregivers who are experts in different fields to oversee complicated cases of patients with life threatening or chronic illness and/or injury that may even require organ support. Practitioners of this medical field are additionally trained & certified in surgery, pediatrics, internal and emergency medicine and/or anesthesiology. Now, these Critical Care Medicine Specialists are excellent prospects for marketers who are representing organizations in the service of supplying medical equipment & devices. But how can marketers directly connect with decision makers in the field? DataCaptive’s Critical Care MedicineSpecialist Email List is the answer. Our Critical Care Medicine SpecialistEmail List can gi

Benefits of Obtaining Cardiologist Email List from DataCaptive

Certified medical doctors who are specialists in the diagnosing, preventing & treating any ailment or diseases in the heart & blood vessels are called as Cardiologists. Dealing with the treatment of heart conditions, recommending drug, diet & exercise regimens and assisting patients suffering from heart attacks, cardiologists have a fairly stressful job while trying to reduce the stress of those around them.  Currently, there are over 23,000 actively practicing Cardiologists in U.S alone as per reports by the American College of Cardiology. The BLS has estimated a 14% growth in job prospects for all surgeons & physicians in this particular field. Heart diseases are the top killers around the world and there are over 2200 deaths occurring in the U.S alone. Yeah, it’s a shocking piece of data but one that brings ample opportunities for marketers who represent companies who are in the field of supplying medicines, medical equipment & devices. But how can

Benefits of Obtaining Cardiographer Email List from DataCaptive

The heart & blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries) of the human body are known as the cardiovascular system, which is monitored & assessed within the cardiac departments of hospitals. Many complex machines, primarily the (ECG), are involved in this process.  Cardiographers are the healthcare science assistants & healthcare science associates who are in charge of the working of these machines & observing the patient’s heartbeats. They support cardiologists who are doctors specializing in the cardiovascular system. Now, these Cardiographers are excellent prospects for marketers who represent organizations who are in the field of supplying medical equipment & devices. But how can these marketers connect directly with decision makers in this particular segment? This is where DataCaptive can assist you. Our Cardiographer Email List can give that extra push your marketing campaigns need for generating revenue. The idea of investing in o

Benefits of Obtaining Bariatrician Email List from DataCaptive

Bariatricians are very important in the field of medicine as they are specialists who concentrate on the diagnosis and prevention, cure and treatment of obesity. Their treatment involves a combination of pharmacotherapy, medicine, prescription drugs, diet and exercise to cure the health issues which is caused by excessive weight.  On rare occasions where drugs & medicines are unable to cure the patients, a bariatric surgeon performs surgery for the treatment. Now, these Bariatricians are excellent prospects for marketers who are representing organizations in the service of supplying medical equipment & devices. But how can these marketers connect directly with decision makers in the field? DataCaptive is there to help. Our Bariatricianemail list can give that extra push your marketers need for their campaigns. It will be a smart move to invest in our Bariatrician Email List from the side of marketers for increasing the efficiency of the marketing & sales